
civil rights act of 1964

which president? President Lyndon Johnson.

What were the provisions of the act? It didn’t allow discrimination of sex and race in hiring, prompting, and firing.

How did civil rights act of 1964 help civil rights? ended separation in public places based on gender and race etc..

24th amendment 

what did the amendment stipulate? “the right of citizens of the U.S. to vote in any primary or other election of president or vice president, or for senator or representative in congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the U.S. or any state by reason of failure to pay and poll tax or other tax”

How did this help those with limited voting rights? the house passed the 24th amendment to put an end to the poll tax for all federal election. This was a tax that had to be paid annually by each voter in order for your vote to count. This was important because African American were dealing with discrimination and couldn’t vote which could’ve helped to end discrimination. Although the poll tax wasn’t a lot of money it was enough to stop people from voting.

Voting rights act of 1965

This was a federal law that increased government management of people. This terminated the use of literacy tests to stop people from voting. This also expanded government efforts to register voters.


Jennifer Navarrete

In 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested in Birmingham, Alabama, while professing against racial segregation. In jail he wrote his “Letter from Birmingham Jail” to address fears while religious leaders had said that he was moving too quick towards desegregation. King made clear why victims of segregation found it hard to wait for those inequalities to end. Later on, King delivered his most famous speech, “I Have a Dream,”at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. In this speech, King asked for peace and racial harmony.


Brown v. Board of Education

Chief Justice Earl Warren took a huge role in the Brown v. Board of education which was about stopping racial discrimination. The decision on constitutional/legal ground was the 14th amendment which was about equal protection. This lead to the Plessy v. ferguson and then went on to the Jim crow laws which resulted in separate but equal and that’s how the Brown v. Board of education came about. Although the Brown V. Board of education resulted in being separate but not equal it ordered for a desegregation. This then led to the Brown v. Board of education 2 which was a faster process for the racial discrimination to end for once and for all.


Little nine rock

In September of 1957 nine kids named Minnijean Brown, Elizabeth Eckford, Ernest green, Thelma Mothershed, Melba Patillo, Gloria Ray, Terrence Roberts, Jefferson Thomas, and Carlotta Walls wanted to end racial barriers and become the first black kids to attend Little rock high school. As a result, on September 4, 1957 was the first day of school for the kids although the state national guard had to keep back the black students entry in the school. On September 25, 1957 Eisenhower sent securities to follow the nine kids into the school making this their first full day of school.

University of Alabama

George Wallace was under a segregation platform when he was elected as governor of Alabama in 1962. When 2 African American students named Vivian Malone, and James A. Hood. In June 11, 1963 2 African American students named Vivian Malone, and James A. Hood were enrolled in the University of Alabama after Alabama Governor George Wallace had no choice but to yield.




Life is not a spectator sport

In 1947 Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play for a baseball team called the Brooklyn Dodgers. This started a complete integration of baseball and other sports. In 1949 Robinson was the National League’s most achieved player and the first African American in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Until this time, African Americans played professional baseball in the Negro League.



Executive Order 9981

This took place in July 26, 1948 by President Harry S. Truman. For the military this started equality of treatment and freedom for those in the military. Although it created this, the military didn’t like it because it only helped those who seemed to be below others or were mistreated. On the other hand, it started a committee to assure that the executive order would be carried out. And enforced a treatment in regards to race, color, religion, an national origin.

Image result for Executive Order 9981 Original DocumentIn conclusion, WW2 had major discrimination towards African Americans but it also helped us today because we aren’t unfair to African Americans. It put an end to racial injustice in the United States Armed Force. This led to the end of discrimination in the services.