
Nixon Campaign 

Campaign: U.S presidential election 1968.

Candidate: Richard Nixon, vice president of the US; Spiro Agnew, governor of Maryland

Affiliation: Republican party

Against: Democratic nominee vice president, Hubert Humphrey

Importance: His involvement in the Watergate Campaign rumor, he was the first president to quit the office.

How did he win? Richard M. Nixon got most of the electoral votes


Protecting the environment became important to many Americans.  Rachel Carson wrote a book called “Silent Spring”in 1962 about exposed dangers to the environment. The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 and almost 10,000 schools and 2,000 colleges set up events to raise awareness of environmental issues. Earth Day is still celebrated each year. President Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set restrictions on pollution, to conduct environmental research, and to local governments in the cleanup of polluted sites.



Who is Cesar Chavez? He is a labor organizer and an outstanding union leader. Was a African American labor and civil rights activist.

United Farmers Workers Movement why? To improve the treatment wages, work conditions for farm workers.

Objective? Chavez and his farm workers went against the California grape growers by having non-violent protests.

Was it successful? Yes it was successful.



Americans against the war in Vietnam had more of a voice in their statement. Many people against the war started on college campuses to advise the government to end the draft and to bring home all American troops from Vietnam. They used the same strategies as groups fighting for civil rights. Some protesters became more advanced and burned their draft cards, went to prison rather than going to Vietnam, and even fleeing to Canada.


don’t wish for for it.

The National Organization for Women was started in 1966 by Betty Friedan to help equal rights for women. NOW had its cause in the antiwar movements of the early 1960s. In both of these, women felt forgotten by the men who were responsible for the organizations like the SNCC. NOW’s goals included equality in employment, political and social equality, and the change of the equal rights amendment. The Roe v. wade was started in a Texas court for pregnant women in March 1970 by Sarah Weddington. This started on behalf of Norma McCorvey who was a young single pregnant women living in Texas. Because of this Betty Friedan wrote a book which explained how women were being denied equality with men.




The SCLC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) started by Martin Luther King Jr. was to carry on nonviolent campaign for cause against the bad of second- class citizenship. Marches and protests were made in the south in order to register African Americans to vote. African Americans and white adults protested in hopes to influence congress to pass a voting rights act. On the other hand, the SNCC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) started by African American college students wanted to speed up the changes made in the Brown v. Board of Education which resulted in “Separate but equal” caused them to start the sit- ins. Just like the marches and protests in the SCLC sit-ins was also in the south and hoped that congress could pass a voting rights act. This was also a nonviolent event caused by African Americans after a while it was a militancy and violence called “black power”.



Martin Luther King assassination 

Who? James Earl Ray

Why? He didn’t like African Americans and was confirmed he was a uncover criminal.

Martin Luther King Riots 

When? Saturday April 6, 1968- April 14, 1968

Where? Happened in 125 cities in the U.S. and went to Baltimore, Maryland two days after it happened

Why? The leader and person that defended the blacks was Martin Luther King. Without him not many of them would have a say. After the assassination their was nobody to support the blacks so a riot broke out in Baltimore.

What happened? According to the world history project article, “The Baltimore riot started in Saturday, April 6th, then Maryland Governor, Spirow Agnew, called out thousands of National Guard troops and 500 Maryland state police to quell the disturbance.. When it was determined that the state forces could not control the riot, Agnew requested Federal troops from president Lyndon B. Johnson.”

Affects? 5,500 arrests, including 3,488 violations for curfew, 955 for theft, 665 for looting, 391 for assault, and 5 for arson. 7 deaths from the riot, 6 from fire and 1 by gunshot. The damage caused an estimate at over $12 million in 1968 dollars.

Robert Kennedy Assassination

Who? Sirhan Bishara Sirhan

Why? Sirhan claims he was set up and brainwashed and doesn’t remember what happened.

What role did he play? He fought organized crime and worked for civil rights for African Americans. He was also a close adviser to the president.



What was the “Great Society?”- A great society for Lyndon B. Johnson was starting something that helps people but also benefits him. This is where Medicare and Head Start came about.

Domestic policies created and passed to make his “Great Society” possible? -Medicare and Head Start. Medicare is a insurance for people 65 or older, it helps some younger people with disabilities. It is funded by general tax, federal payroll tax, and beneficiary premiums. It takes care of 44 million people, 37 million seniors and 7 million disabled americans.

Reflection: This helped Lyndon B. Johnson gain votes to later become president. This wasn’t a bad idea although it benefits him more he still helped out the people in need.



Who shot President JFK? Lee Harvey Oswald

Why? There isn’t much evidence on why he shot JFK but because of governmental insensitivity and misplaced ideas of tolerance it caused him to commit this crime and it was confirmed that Oswald was slightly mentally unstable.

Where? In Texas where he was beginning his campaign to be selected again for a second term.

When? November 22, 1963

Who became president when JFK died? Lyndon B. Johnson was the vice president at the time and became president when JFK was assasinated.

What was Johnsons viewpoint on civil rights? Johnson became president after JFK death but before he ever did he needed to do something that helped the people. In other words “great society” for americans. He started Medicare and Head start because he knew if he did something for the people it would increase his chances of getting more votes and soon being elected as president.




The U.S. Supreme Court was started by Chief Justice Earl Warren. The Warren Court was about issuing landmark decisions. For example, declaring that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional as said in the Brown v. Board of Education “separate but equal” and that the right to privacy. In 1963, the Warren Court started another of its landmark decisions, Miranda v Arizona. The case was about a man named Ernesto Miranda, who was convicted and put in jail after signing a confession even though at the time of his arrest, the police questioned him without telling him he had the right to speak with an attorney and the right to stay silent. The Miranda decision strengthened Americans’ individual rights.