
Martin Luther King assassination 

Who? James Earl Ray

Why? He didn’t like African Americans and was confirmed he was a uncover criminal.

Martin Luther King Riots 

When? Saturday April 6, 1968- April 14, 1968

Where? Happened in 125 cities in the U.S. and went to Baltimore, Maryland two days after it happened

Why? The leader and person that defended the blacks was Martin Luther King. Without him not many of them would have a say. After the assassination their was nobody to support the blacks so a riot broke out in Baltimore.

What happened? According to the world history project article, “The Baltimore riot started in Saturday, April 6th, then Maryland Governor, Spirow Agnew, called out thousands of National Guard troops and 500 Maryland state police to quell the disturbance.. When it was determined that the state forces could not control the riot, Agnew requested Federal troops from president Lyndon B. Johnson.”

Affects? 5,500 arrests, including 3,488 violations for curfew, 955 for theft, 665 for looting, 391 for assault, and 5 for arson. 7 deaths from the riot, 6 from fire and 1 by gunshot. The damage caused an estimate at over $12 million in 1968 dollars.

Robert Kennedy Assassination

Who? Sirhan Bishara Sirhan

Why? Sirhan claims he was set up and brainwashed and doesn’t remember what happened.

What role did he play? He fought organized crime and worked for civil rights for African Americans. He was also a close adviser to the president.

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