
Who shot President JFK? Lee Harvey Oswald

Why? There isn’t much evidence on why he shot JFK but because of governmental insensitivity and misplaced ideas of tolerance it caused him to commit this crime and it was confirmed that Oswald was slightly mentally unstable.

Where? In Texas where he was beginning his campaign to be selected again for a second term.

When? November 22, 1963

Who became president when JFK died? Lyndon B. Johnson was the vice president at the time and became president when JFK was assasinated.

What was Johnsons viewpoint on civil rights? Johnson became president after JFK death but before he ever did he needed to do something that helped the people. In other words “great society” for americans. He started Medicare and Head start because he knew if he did something for the people it would increase his chances of getting more votes and soon being elected as president.



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