
civil rights act of 1964

which president? President Lyndon Johnson.

What were the provisions of the act? It didn’t allow discrimination of sex and race in hiring, prompting, and firing.

How did civil rights act of 1964 help civil rights? ended separation in public places based on gender and race etc..

24th amendment 

what did the amendment stipulate? “the right of citizens of the U.S. to vote in any primary or other election of president or vice president, or for senator or representative in congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the U.S. or any state by reason of failure to pay and poll tax or other tax”

How did this help those with limited voting rights? the house passed the 24th amendment to put an end to the poll tax for all federal election. This was a tax that had to be paid annually by each voter in order for your vote to count. This was important because African American were dealing with discrimination and couldn’t vote which could’ve helped to end discrimination. Although the poll tax wasn’t a lot of money it was enough to stop people from voting.

Voting rights act of 1965

This was a federal law that increased government management of people. This terminated the use of literacy tests to stop people from voting. This also expanded government efforts to register voters.

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